Recommended Links

Below we have included several links to valuable information regarding our special breed of Wagyu cattle. We hope that these links add to your overall knowledge of the wonderful benefits of this breed. Please feel free to send us your comments or links to other interesting postings, articles, etc.

AmericanWagyuEverything starts with The American Wagyu Association website. Lots of valuable information including monthly newsletters.

VirginiaWagyuWe enjoy a very close association and relationship with our friend, Dale Moore at Virginia Wagyu. Dale has an excellent herd of full blood Wagyu.

Lone-MountainOne of the best places to learn about Wagyu is the site. It is full of information. One of the areas that I pay particular attention to is their blog news.

We are very proud to be a client of Jimmy and Will Horner of Protocol Naturals out of Bridgeport Texas. We are doing all we can do to ensure that our Wagyu cattle have all the advantages of great nutrition. Protocol Naturals gives us the best chance to do so.

USDATo learn more about the USDA beef grading scale, click icon above. Keep in mind that100% full blood Wagyu grade out at prime or above prime 95% of the time. The highest prime level on the USDA scale is 6. Wagyu can go all the way up to 12. Currently, the Japanese scale is the only one that grades that high.

USDAWe are happy to begin an affiliation with We intend to offer our product through their portal in the not too distant future.

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